East meets West: A cultural musical journey
Event Date:
15 February, 2025
Event Time:
Event Location:
SO Restaurant, 5 Middlesex street
£22 (£13: one drink & starter, £9: performance fee)
Title: “East Meets West ~ A Night of Culture through Music~”
On 15th February 2025
Venue: So Restaurant (5 Middlesex St, City of London, London E1 7AA)
Doors open 5.30 pm
Show Starts 6.00 pm
Join the spectacular performance night by three Japanese artists, Sakurako Tanaka, Nozomi Fukushima, and Saaya Matsumoto!
The night begins with Japanese songs with original Noh dance specially choreographed for the night, followed by some highlights of famous classical Noh performances. Prepare to be dazzled by a blend of rich Japanese culture of unique musicality and performing arts.
The second part will be brimming with creative melange of western pop, Disney, musicals, Ghbli, J-pop, and more 🎶
How will Saaya (piano), Nozomi (vocal), and Sakurako (dance) interpret various music through their distinct disciplines?
The ticket price includes a welcome drink and Japanese tapas starter. We encourage to arrive between 5:30 and 6pm to settle in comfortably to enjoy the first performance that is scheduled to start at 6pm. The whole menu will be available to order throughout the evening, with all the favourites of teriyaki salmon, miso marinated black cod, pink punk sushi, pork katsu, king prawn tempura, assorted sashimi moriawase, and more! Be sure to leave room for our special home made Japanese desserts like matcha cake, Hojicha roasted green tea terrine, daikichi créme caramel, and matcha ice cream.
Now let’s meet the three performers on a musical journey bridging the east and west!
About Sakurako Tanaka
Sakurako was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan. After spending her time at Shirayuri Gakuen for 15 years, she came to the UK to study drama at the Royal Holloway University of London and happen to encounter Ballroom and Latin Dance Sport and Japanese Noh theatre. As a solo competitive ballroom and Latin dancer, she won many UK champion titles and some world champion titles in less than three years. While competing across the UK, she also deepened her understanding of Japanese culture through Noh by supporting professional Noh actors coming to the UK. She has been actively performing both disciplines at events such as BAFTA, Japan Matsuri, Royal Holloway University of London, SOAS University, Japan House London to bridge Japan and the UK through performing arts.
Sakurako Tanaka Website
About Nozomi Fukushima
Nozomi was born in Fukuoka prefecture. After having graduated from Shuyukan High School, she entered Tokyo University of the Arts and trained in the Department of Vocal Music as Soprano. In summer 2019, she flew to New York on her own. During her two- week stay, she watched 15 musical shows and became even more fascinated by the musical world. She has been studying Musical Theater since June 2022 in London with Mary Hammond, Karen Rabinowitz, and Lily Kerhoas. Currently, she is studying in MA Musical Theatre at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Dance & Music. She has appeared in numerous musicals and plays such as “Guys and Dolls,” “Footloose,” “The light in the Piazza” and “Spring Awakening.”
Nozomi Fukushima Website
About Saaya Matsumoto
Saaya was born in Miyakonojo, Japan in 1991, and began her piano studies at the age of three. With her parents’ love for music, she developed an interest in jazz by the age of 18 and moved to Fukuoka to her pursue studies.
As the pianist of the big band “Advanced Music Gallery”, she joined the vocalist and flugelhorn player TOKU in his recording of “Dear Mr. SINATORA” and his tour in 2015 and 2016. Her debut album “Precious” was released in October 2022, showcasing her talents as both a composer and performer.
Saaya relocated to London, United Kingdom in March 2023 to expand her musical horizons and share her passion for jazz with new audiences.
Saaya Matsumoto Website
「和 x 洋〜音楽が奏でる文化の調べ〜」
会場:So Restaurant (5 Middlesex St, City of London, London E1 7AA)
開場:5.30 pm
開演:6.00 pm
5:30-6pm のご到着をおすすめします。
その他のスターター、メイン、デザートは、通常メニューから、ご注文いただけます。みんな大好き がっこチーズ、ナス味噌田楽、唐揚げ、揚げ出し豆腐、トンカツ、お刺身、巻き寿司、海老天、うな重、など美味しいお料理、抹茶ケーキ、小豆アイス、ほうじ茶テリーヌ、など和風デザート、お楽しみください⭐️
* ウェルカムドリンクとタパス前菜は、チケット料金に含まれています。
東京生まれ東京育ち。15年過ごした白百合学園を卒業後、演劇を学ぶためイギリスの王立ホロウェイ大学ロンドンに進学、在学中に社交ダンス(ダンススポーツ)と日本の伝統芸能の一つである能に出会う。ソロ社交ダンサーとして大会に出場し始めて3年未満で、複数の世界&英国チャンピオンの称号を獲得。大会遠征でイギリス中を旅すると同時に、イギリスに来る能楽師のサポートで能を通して日本文化への理解を深める。「芸能を通してイギリスと日本の架け橋になりたい」という思いで、BAFTA、Japan Matsuri, 王立ホロウェイ大学ロンドン、SOAS大学、ジャパンハウスロンドンなど、様々な場所でパフォーマンスをするなど活動の幅を広げている。
福岡生まれ。修猷館高校を卒業後、東京藝術大学の声楽科にソプラノ歌手として入学。2019年夏、ニューヨークへ単身渡航。2週間で15のミュージカル作品を鑑賞後、ミュージカルの世界より惹かれるようになる。2022年6月からロンドンでミュージカルを学び始め、Mary Hammond, Karen Rabinowitz, and Lily Kerhoasなどに師事。2024年9月よりTrinity Laban Conservatoire of Dance & Music MA Musical Theatre に在籍。
”Guys and Dolls”, “Footloose” “The light in the Piazza” や “Spring Awakening”.など、数多くのミュージカルや演劇に出演。
福嶋 望実 ウェブサイト
ビックバンド”Advanced Music Gallery”のピアニストとしても在籍し、2015年、2016年にはボーカリスト&フリューゲルホルン奏者TOKU氏の”Dear Mr.SINATRA”へのレコーディング、そして九州ツアーにも参加。
2022年10月 1st アルバム Precious は彼女の作曲家とピアニストとしての才能を物語っている。
松元 沙綾 ウェブサイト